Established in 1948, the Indian Dairy Association (IDA) has been functioning as a forum for professionals, planners, scientists, farmers and equipment manufacturers in the field of dairy and allied agro-food business to provide opportunities for the dissemination and exchange of knowledge and ideas gained from research and experience through meetings, conferences and seminars in planning, production, processing, marketing and so forth. IDA (East Zone), in association with Bihar State Chapter of IDA, is organizing the 47th Dairy Industry Conference at Samrat Ashok Convention Centre, Patna, during February 7-9, 2019. The theme of the conference is “Innovative Approach for Enhancing Dairy Farmers’ Income”. The conference will provide an excellent platform for interaction and sharing of experiences with eminent professionals, experts, researchers, policy makers and milk producers from different corners of India and abroad on different ways to increase dairy farmers’ income.